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Run Free: Train Like an Olympian.

Run Free is a virtual coaching service for runners, founded by Olympic marathon runner Ryan Hall. The program goes beyond training advice, offering comprehensive guidance on nutrition and mobility coaching as well.

Run Free's digital experience encompassed product awareness/ branding, a membership portal, and e-commerce. It was experiencing a high bounce rate, hindering membership growth. To address this, we conducted a comprehensive UX audit of both the web and mobile platforms, focusing on improving usability and accessibility. Additionally, we crafted impactful storytelling to effectively showcase the company's core philosophy, the "Holistic Five."

Duration: 4 weeks

Tools: Figma, Miro, Adobe Creative Suite, Zoom, FigJam, Squarespace, Microsoft products, Cell phone, Pen and Paper

Role: UX/UI Designer

Methods: Agile, Lean


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The program is built on the holistic five methods: training, nutrition, rest, the 1%, and your internal game.

Run Free Trainiing Ethos

Run Free Technologies had a problem: 60% of visitors left their website right away (bounce rate). On top of that, people weren't even looking at important pages like "About Us."

To fix this, we focused on three key areas:

  • Showcase their Approach: We used clear visuals and storytelling to explain Run Free's "Holistic Five" principles and the virtual coaching process.

  • Make it Easy to Sign Up: We improved the buttons and calls to action (CTAs) for the free consultation form and the signup process

  • Highlight Success Stories: We added powerful client testimonials to the homepage and testimonials page to show how Run Free helps people achieve their goals.

WHY is this significant?

Run Free's website needed a makeover!

  • Unclear Message: The website didn't effectively tell the story of Run Free's successful methods, which created doubt in potential customers' minds. A clear and easy-to-understand story showcasing their achievements will build trust.

  • Confusing Navigation: The site map and unclear navigation process frustrated users, leading them to abandon their carts. Simplifying the navigation and signup will guide them smoothly to checkout.

  • Missing Testimonials: Run Free relied on word-of-mouth marketing, but their website lacked testimonials. Adding convincing client success stories will encourage signup.

  • Overall, the first version of the website didn't inspire trust and wasn't user-friendly.

Understanding the Users

 12 unique runners were interviewed to discuss their wants, needs, and habits 

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User's issues with the website

To dig deeper into what was happening on the website, I also asked runners a few questions.


  • Replaced "gain a better understanding" with "dig deeper" for a more informal and engaging tone.

  • Replaced "additionally" with "also" for better readability.

*Click here to view the C & C analysis and Old site map.

The Problem is ...

*Click here to view the Breakdown problem.

User journey and pain points

To understand user needs, I looked at two things:

  • Client feedback: This helped me see what existing customers liked and disliked about the website.

  • User personas: These are fictional characters that represent typical website visitors. By understanding their goals and frustrations, I could design a website that works better for everyone.

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How might we ...

Here's another key "How Might We" question that tackles the core user problems:

*Click here to view all How might we statments. 

Development and Design

We designed a clear and easy-to-use navigation system for the website. Everyone loved it from the start!

100% of the users tested approved of this updated global navigation with zero interruption in flow.

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Development Steps

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Home Page wireframes

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Client Success page wireframes

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User Feedback and Observations

Users told us what they wanted to see on each page of the website:


  • Clear brand identity and product explanation

  • Eye-catching visuals showcasing the brand philosophy

  • Easy-to-find pricing information and benefits

  • Client success stories

  • Informative video

Side by Side Comparison



*Click here to view the updated Client success stories page  and Consultation page.

Impact and User Journey

100% of the users tested approved of this updated global navigation with zero interruption in flow

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Next Steps

Both users and Run Free's stakeholders loved the new website design!

Since the post implementation the website saw 50 unique client gained in the first 3 months and 200K visitors. 

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Run Free Trainings Team

Wonderful Team Mates (3 People- Nydak, Sheeri, Nathan Lane)
Owners/ CEO
Head of Development and Tech Designer team (2 people)
15 people for interviews

External Links

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